
  • Each one is an individual

Psychology has found that a newborn baby is in a mother-child symbiosis with us, but after six months, the baby enters a stage of separation and individualization with us.

And by the time the child is three years old, he or she is an independent self and can enter the Oedipus stage where competition is the theme. Many people are hurt by their family of origin mainly because they did not establish a good partnership with their parents in their family of origin, and when faced with the real world, their self-efficacy is weakened and they are slow to enter society, or they are not confident in facing society.

And if we want to heal the damage done by our family of origin, we have to see how it has shaped us, how our personality grows and the habits of our personal thinking, all of which will have its deep shadow.

  • Everyone has their own subject

Many people have their lives kidnapped by their parents. Perhaps we also need to understand early on that our parents are their parents’ lives and that everyone has their own subject.

It is very important to learn to distinguish between our own subject and that of others, which is fundamental for us to live a happy life or not.


We necessarily need to understand that our family of origin is our family of origin, I am me and my parents are my parents, and the key to our ability to transcend our parents is that we can see how they think and how they have influenced me.

  • Learning to say goodbye to your family of origin is the beginning of your mental maturity

We don’t want our future to be affected by the harm of our family of origin, it is very important to learn to wean and say goodbye. You need to psychologically wean yourself off and tell yourself that your life is determined by you, not by your family of origin. You need to be enriching your inner mind, constantly enriching your inner self and asking yourself what you want out of life so that you can break through again.

It is not the family of origin that can influence our future, but your expectations of the future and your actions in the present. When you know that your family of origin does not affect you in its entirety, you can draw a realistic blueprint for yourself from your own inner perspective and aim to realise it with your actions.